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Topics: EdTech, PLNs, GAFE, PLCs, Social Media, Blended Learning, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), SAMR Modeling, Learning Management Systems (LMS), Reading and Language Arts (RELA), Multiple Literacies, Network Training, Peer Coaching, BYOD
Services: Keynote, Presenter, Consultant, Blogger, Podcaster, LMS Leader |
William De’Wayne Simpson is an Instructional Technology Specialist for the Department of State and Federal Programs (Title I) at Prince George’s County Public Schools in Maryland. He is working with the movement leading toward full integration of instructional technology at his district and beyond. As a K-12 teacher for 14 years, he’s been passionate about using technology to reach children deemed unreachable. For the past four years, he’s focused on supporting digital learning and school leadership. As a Instructional Consultant for Verizon Mobile Learning Academy (VMLA), which is an affiliate organization of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), William works to enhance the virtual classroom and mobile learning experience for teachers and students. He recently completed his third year working with ISTE and Verizon. William is a certified school administrator and has a master’s degree in digital learning from American College of Education. He is an avid user of social media as a means of delivering, receiving and participating in self-paced professional development. PD has become the cornerstone of William’s career, and he works digitally to make sure all those privileged enough to have the necessary tools also have the knowhow to use them efficiently.
Site: This Generation |
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