Email Laura for booking info!
Topics: Author/Illustrator, #Whatisschool, The Future of Education, Parents as Education Partners, Writing and Illustrating for Students, Building your PLN and PD on Twitter, Writing Strategies That Inspire, Writing Tips For Parents, How To Write That Book for Adults
Services: Keynote, School Visits-auditorium, Book Signing, Panels, Workshops, Consultations, Virtual visits through Skype or Google Hangouts, Podcasts, Co-hosting, Blogger |
Meet Laura Hill
Author| Illustrator| Global Thought Leader| Student Champion Growing up in a family of educators and engineers I learned quickly that I could take my talents and apply what I knew to create fantastic things. It was a lesson I never forgot. It led to an on-air career infused with technology, writing, creating and helping youth share their ideas with the world. Now, with my own children in a school system that is rapidly changing with the growing technology sector, I clearly see the need for schools, teachers, administrators and communities to embrace the changes technology brings so students will have the skills they need to succeed and lead in a communications based work force. Over 65% of the jobs your students will do have not been created yet. Old models of education based on an building skills for an industrial workforce no longer work. My goal is two-fold, to help teachers navigate the changing education landscape and help students gain the confidence they need to get their ideas into the world, like my daughters and I did when we wrote the Great Story World Mix-Up book series. With the help of my award winning forum #whatisschool I've been able to test my views with thousands of teachers around the world. To book your conference, school visit or keynote or to get more information give me a shout at [email protected] Laura Hill is the author of the Great Story World Mix-Up children's books and co-creator of #whatisschool, a weekly twitter forum Thursday night 7PM EDT. You can tweet to her @candylandcaper or email [email protected] Need to know more gritty details about me? Visit my illustration website and click on the FAQs Blog Link |
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