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Topics: Edtech, web tools, 21st century skills, blended learning, flipped classroom
Services: Keynote, presenter, workshop promoter |
Cristina Monteiro Silva has been an EFL teacher for the past 25 years, in Portugal. She is currently International Project Coordinator in her school being responsible for several eTwinning projects and KA2 Erasmus+ actions. She’s also Director of Studies of a private Language School. Frequent attendant of teacher training courses and seminars in Oxford, UK, as well as webinars and e-conferences in which she participates both as an attendee as well as speaker, she is also a teacher trainer in Portugal. For the past 3 years she has been a presenter at APPI (TESOL Portugal). She is an avid user of web 2.0 tools in class and promotes Project Based Learning (PBL) with her students as a way to enhance 21st century skills.
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