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Topics: EdTech, Mobile Learning, Elearning, instructional design, PLNs, multimedia design principles, teacher education,ubiquitous learning, digital storytelling, e-portfolio, e-safety, digital citizenship, using tablets in education, using iPads in education
Services: Keynote, presenter, consultant, conference organizer |
Isil Boy Ergül works at the Faculty of Education at Yıldız Technical University in Turkey, and as a teacher trainer for Pilgrims in the UK. She worked as an Advisor to the Vice-Rector on ICT at YTU, and conducted various ICT training courses across Turkey, Europe, and the Middle East. She holds a BA in TEFL from Istanbul University, and an MA in Educational Technology and TESOL from the University of Manchester. Currently she is doing a PhD in Educational Technology at Bahçeşehir University. In 2015, she was selected as an Apple Distinguished Educator. She is the Coordinator of the EdTech Summit held once a year in Turkey. The focus of the summit, the first of its kind in Turkey, is to explore the latest trends in this field by raising new questions and sharing best practice, in an age shaped by the widespread use of new technologies in education.
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